1:18 Archive

There are 597 figures with Human - Female in the name.

Click on a Figure ID for more detailed information on that figure.

Marvel : Avengers 2 - Age of Ultron
Scarlet Witch

Species: Human - Female

Height: 9-12 cm

Line: Marvel : Avengers 2 - Age of Ultron

Company: Hasbro
Black Widow

ID: A2AOU-MP01.2
Species: Human - Female

Height: 9-12 cm

Line: Marvel : Avengers 2 - Age of Ultron

Company: Hasbro
Marvel : Avengers Assemble
Black Widow

Inferno Cannon

ID: AA-05
Species: Human - Female

Line: Marvel : Avengers Assemble

Company: Hasbro
Assassins Creed
Evie Frye

ID: AC-03
Species: Human - Female

Height: 9-12 cm

Line: Assassins Creed

Company: Jazwares

ID: AC-05
Species: Human - Female

Height: 9-12 cm

Details: Origins
Line: Assassins Creed

Company: Jazwares
Aliens : Colonial Marines
Bella Clarison

Colonial Marine

ID: ACM-08
Species: Human - Female

Height: 9-12 cm

Line: Aliens : Colonial Marines

Company: Hiya Toys
Jennifer Redding

Colonial Marine

ID: ACM-10
Species: Human - Female

Height: 9-12 cm

Line: Aliens : Colonial Marines

Company: Hiya Toys
Strange Friends
Maggie Squirrel

Species: Human - Female

Height: 9-12 cm

Line: Strange Friends

Company: Accoutrements, LLC
Amazing Heroes
Jurassic Sam

Species: Human - Female

Height: 9-12 cm

Line: Amazing Heroes

Company: Fresh Monkey Fiction
Adventures of Merlin

ID: AoM-05
Species: Human - Female

Line: Adventures of Merlin

Company: Unassigned
Guinevere Pendragon

ID: AoM-06
Species: Human - Female

Line: Adventures of Merlin

Company: Unassigned
Aliens : Snap Kits

ID: ASK-10
Species: Human - Female

Line: Aliens : Snap Kits

Company: Hot Toys
Atlantis : The Lost Empire
Princess Kida

ID: ATL-01
Species: Human - Female

Line: Atlantis : The Lost Empire

Company: Hasbro

ID: ATL-05
Species: Human - Female

Line: Atlantis : The Lost Empire

Company: Hasbro
Marvel : Avengers 1 - 2012 Movie
Black Widow

ID: AV1-14
Species: Human - Female

Details: Movie Series
Line: Marvel : Avengers 1 - 2012 Movie

Company: Hasbro
Black Widow

ID: AV1-MP01.7
Species: Human - Female

Details: Target Exclusive 8-Pack. Reissue of Black Widow Movie Series.
Line: Marvel : Avengers 1 - 2012 Movie

Company: Hasbro
Trudy Chacon

ID: AVA-02
Species: Human - Female

Height: 9-12 cm

Line: Avatar

Company: Mattel
Dr. Grace Augustine

ID: AVA-03
Species: Human - Female

Height: 9-12 cm

Line: Avatar

Company: Mattel
Beauty and the Beast

ID: BATB-01.1
Species: Human - Female

Height: 5-9 cm

Details: Enchanted Rose playset
Line: Beauty and the Beast

Company: Hasbro
Big Bang Theory

ID: BBT-03
Species: Human - Female

Line: Big Bang Theory

Company: Bif Bang Pow
Bernadette Rostenkowski

ID: BBT-06
Species: Human - Female

Line: Big Bang Theory

Company: Bif Bang Pow
Amy Farrah Fowler

ID: BBT-07
Species: Human - Female

Line: Big Bang Theory

Company: Bif Bang Pow

Star Trek

ID: BBT-12
Species: Human - Female

Height: 9-12 cm

Line: Big Bang Theory

Company: Bif Bang Pow
Bernadette Rostenkowski

Star Trek

ID: BBT-13
Species: Human - Female

Height: 9-12 cm

Line: Big Bang Theory

Company: Bif Bang Pow
Amy Farrah Fowler

Star Trek

ID: BBT-14
Species: Human - Female

Height: 9-12 cm

Line: Big Bang Theory

Company: Bif Bang Pow
Ben 10 : Alien Force
Gwen Anodite

Species: Human - Female

Height: 9-12 cm

Line: Ben 10 : Alien Force

Company: Bandai America
Gwen Anodite


Species: Human - Female

Height: 9-12 cm

Line: Ben 10 : Alien Force

Company: Bandai America
Ben 10 : Classic
Gwen Anodite

Lucky Girl

ID: BEN-C-34
Species: Human - Female

Height: 9-12 cm

Line: Ben 10 : Classic

Company: Bandai America
Marvel : Big Hero 6
GoGo Tomago

ID: BH6-02
Species: Human - Female

Height: 9-12 cm

Line: Marvel : Big Hero 6

Company: Bandai America
Honey Lemon

ID: BH6-03
Species: Human - Female

Height: 9-12 cm

Line: Marvel : Big Hero 6

Company: Bandai America
GoGo Tomago


ID: BH6-13
Species: Human - Female

Height: 9-12 cm

Line: Marvel : Big Hero 6

Company: Bandai America
Honey Lemon


ID: BH6-15
Species: Human - Female

Height: 9-12 cm

Line: Marvel : Big Hero 6

Company: Bandai America
DC : Batman - Dark Knight Rises

Species: Human - Female

Details: Battle for Gotham City
Line: DC : Batman - Dark Knight Rises

Company: Mattel
Captain Action
Lady Action

Species: Human - Female

Height: 9-12 cm

Details: Concept only
Line: Captain Action

Company: ZICA/Remco
Dinah Mite

Species: Human - Female

Height: 9-12 cm

Line: Captain Action

Company: ZICA/Remco
CORPS : Elite
Nasha Raven - Snake bite

Terra Team

Species: Human - Female

Height: 9-12 cm

Line: CORPS : Elite

Company: Lanard
Chap Mei : Adventure Heroes
Vet Cassie

ID: CM-AH-07
Species: Human - Female

Height: 9-12 cm

Line: Chap Mei : Adventure Heroes

Company: Chap Mei
Animal Planet : Deep Sea Exploration
Diver - Female

ID: CM-AP-DSE-01.2
Species: Human - Female

Height: 9-12 cm

Details: Animal Rescue
Line: Animal Planet : Deep Sea Exploration

Company: Toys R Us
Diver - Female

ID: CM-AP-DSE-06.2
Species: Human - Female

Height: 9-12 cm

Details: Ocean park
Line: Animal Planet : Deep Sea Exploration

Company: Toys R Us
Diver - Female

ID: CM-AP-DSE-14.2
Species: Human - Female

Height: 9-12 cm

Details: Sea lab playset
Line: Animal Planet : Deep Sea Exploration

Company: Toys R Us
Diver - Female

ID: CM-AP-DSE-24.2
Species: Human - Female

Height: 9-12 cm

Line: Animal Planet : Deep Sea Exploration

Company: Toys R Us
Animal Planet : Wildlife Adventures
Vetrinarian - Female

ID: CM-AP-WLA-09.1
Species: Human - Female

Height: 9-12 cm

Details: Safari Vet Center
Line: Animal Planet : Wildlife Adventures

Company: Toys R Us
Vetrinarian - Female

ID: CM-AP-WLA-11.1
Species: Human - Female

Height: 9-12 cm

Line: Animal Planet : Wildlife Adventures

Company: Toys R Us
Chap Mei : Animal Rescue
Vetrinarian - Female

ID: CM-AR-01
Species: Human - Female

Height: 5-9 cm

Line: Chap Mei : Animal Rescue

Company: Chap Mei
Diver - Female

ID: CM-AR-02
Species: Human - Female

Height: 9-12 cm

Line: Chap Mei : Animal Rescue

Company: Chap Mei
Vetrinarian - Female

ID: CM-AR-V02.1
Species: Human - Female

Height: 9-12 cm

Details: Bear cub
Line: Chap Mei : Animal Rescue

Company: Chap Mei
Chap Mei : Jungle King
Vet Cassie

ID: CM-JK-02
Species: Human - Female

Height: 9-12 cm

Line: Chap Mei : Jungle King

Company: Chap Mei
Chap Mei : Kaptein Sabeltann

ID: CM-KS-07
Species: Human - Female

Height: 5-9 cm

Line: Chap Mei : Kaptein Sabeltann

Company: Chap Mei

ID: CM-KS-08
Species: Human - Female

Height: 9-12 cm

Line: Chap Mei : Kaptein Sabeltann

Company: Chap Mei
Chap Mei : Ocean Quest
Diver - Female

ID: CM-OQ-01.3
Species: Human - Female

Height: 9-12 cm

Line: Chap Mei : Ocean Quest

Company: Chap Mei